Olive Hill Farm (or Sussex Location 2275 as it was first known) was an Agricultural Development, linked to the Group Settlement & WWII Soldier Settlement Schemes in the mid-late 1920s. Following a fire in 1925, which destroyed Walter & Gertrude Sharp’s accommodation and belongings, they persisted and the Settler’s Cottage and dairy farm were established by 1927. In the 1960’s, the cottage was moved to its current location next to Bramley River Road, where it continues to be lived in. The cottage has now been listed on the Shire of Augusta Margaret River Local Heritage List 2021 .
Between 1994 – 2001 approximately 1200 olive trees were planted. Unfortunately, the trees have been planted too close together, presenting problems for machine harvesting and disease management. Harvesting (hand picking) the olives, produced delicious EVOO and table olives but sadly, this was not financially viable. Whilst wondering what to do with the olive grove, the Shire introduced Nature Based Campgrounds around 2016. Olive Hill Farm has evolved to welcome self contained travellers and offer farmstay accommodation. Olive Hill also continues as a working stock farm, in the heart of the Margaret River region, beautifully located on the Margaret River itself.